Saturday, September 25, 2021


 A few weeks ago, Porkey had something wrong with his leg. He wouldn’t put weight through it and he was being bullied by the other two goats. If you don’t know this, I am going to tell you, and I hate to even say it but if a goat shows weakness or illness, the other goats try to get rid of that goat to not spread disease to the herd. Having said that, I have learned my lesson before this and we separated him from the other two. I thought it might be his knee but then I thought after Ronnie and I looking at him, it might be a stone bruise in the hoof. He was separated for about 2 weeks and then he was all healed up. I went ahead and left him in there a few more days to make sure he was completely healed. The goats were calling to each other so I figured it was time to put him back in with them. As we did, I watched for a while to make sure it was going to be fine. Turns out, they were ready to welcome Porkey home. They are still doing fine. 

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