Sunday, October 31, 2021


 Oh Wheezy. She was not looking good for a few days. I doctored her as best I could. Yesterday, she went downhill. She couldn’t lift her head. She wasn’t eating much. She was drinking water though. After a few hours, we put her in the chicken coop, alone to help her get better. We gave her some more meds. We have her food and water. She still wasn’t looking good. I was worried. Of course I started praying. She is my favorite because she lets me cuddle her. I cracked an egg and gave it to her. I put straw in a doghouse to keep her warm. A few hours later, I go out to check and her head is up and she is roosting high up on the laying boxes. I couldn’t believe it. The decision was made to leave her for the night. This morning, I got up and she was still roosting. The donkeys had surrounded the coop. I think they were protecting her or something. I decided to leave her in there. Ronnie sent me a text later that said Wheezy seemed to be Wheezy again, but wanted to leave her in the coop the rest of the night. When I got home, I went to check on her. She was literally pacing in front of the gate. She wanted out. So, I picked her up and put her back in with the goats. She seemed happy then. I don’t know what happened to her, but the prayers worked and she is better. I’m so thankful for that. 

The Leader

 As I was in the barn getting eggs, I look up and I see the donkeys way off in the distance. They are beautiful just grazing along. I yelled, hey guys. Red is definitely the leader of that pack. I hear him start braying and I look and see him running. As he starts running, I see the other three start running also. When Red stopped, the other three stopped. It was amazing to watch. I love these guys so much and I think they love me as much. 


 Edith is the smartest one of our chickens. She spent the colder months in the shop last year and earlier this year to stay warmer. We have modified where animals can come and go after we had chickens laying eggs in the shop and a big snake wondered in and about gave me a heart attack. Anyway. None of the chickens have been sleeping in there now. I mean, there are 2 1/2 cats in there. The half is Peanut Butter coming and going all of the time. The last couple nights, I have noticed Edith in the shop, in her spot again. Today she went in there while we were feeding and hollered at me and Ronnie every time we went in and out of the shop. It’s hilarious. She is the smart one though. She knows where she will be protected this winter. 

Love Story

 There has been a little love story going on at the farm right now between Jeb and Noma. I think it has been going on a while. It’s cute. Noma won’t let Jeb get too close if you know what I mean. He seems to protect her. They eat out of the same feeder everyday. It’s funny to watch them fight over it and then try to put their heads in the feeder at the same time. It’s really something to see. They were never apart for a long time. We have them separated at the moment. Poor Noma is still terrified of us and she won’t let us get close. That being said, Noma’s feet are really bad and she cannot do what she used to be able to do. She is an older girl and cannot run when Jeb tries to chase her because he is young and wants to play. I hated to do it, but it needed to be done to protect Noma. Hopefully she will let us get her hooves done soon. Someone somewhere must have hurt her terribly at some point. To not further traumatize her, I’m not pushing her. Her and Jeb still came see each other when they want to. 

The Meeting

 The day came we decided to let Chief out. Jeb had gone right through the gate to get to him. Chief let him know who was boss even through the gate on the stall. Ronnie let him out. They immediately became best friends. These two go everywhere together. As long as Chief doesn’t get close to Noma, all is well. Chief refuses to share his food but other than that, they are good. They graze together, they run around together. It’s so good to know I got the right horse. Jeb was good with Noma and Cracker Jack but he is even better now. Chief does not like the cows, but Jeb is trying to help him get over that. It really warms my heart to see these two. 

Cracking an egg

 There was a chicken egg in the shop, Ronnie handed it to me. I put it in my pocket and then forgot it. I, of course, broke that egg in my pocket. I know this sounds crazy but I felt my life was breaking just like that egg. I’m being a little dramatic because it wasn’t that bad, but it’s been a tough several months and I just felt that some things needed to change. The very next day, some things started changing. I am beyond happy about those changes and I really think they will be for the better. It’s funny though, when that egg broke, I thought, my life needs to change. Something needs to change. I prayed and asked God what I needed to change because things were not working for me. I saw a post not long ago that said, God had to make you uncomfortable for things to change or you wouldn’t have moved. I felt that to my core. Things are going well now and some changes are coming. God answered those prayers. Life is full of ups and downs, but change is the constant. 

Peanut Butter

 Oh, Peanut Butter. This cat drives me so crazy. If he knew how much I worried about him and how much I loved him, maybe he would stay home. He leaves all day and I’m guessing he comes home at night since all the food is gone overnight. Nothing else can get in there. I know Jelly and Earl stay out all night and then come home during the day. I haven’t seen him in over a week. Ronnie saw him a couple of days ago in the early morning hours. Where does he go?? What is he doing?? It makes me crazy. I want to know if he is okay. I want to know he is not hurt. I have no idea where else to even look for him. If he is coming home at night and eating and drinking, then that’s good. I pray he is fine. The other two stay close to home, I wonder if Peanut Butter is close by also. See, drives me crazy. And every time I make a post about this very subject, I go outside and there he is. Seriously. I made this post and then went outside and he was in the shop. I’m so glad. It’s awful to think, well, this is the time he won’t make it back and then he does. 

More Chicks??

 Oh my. I wish these chickens would just lay their eggs in one spot consistently. They do not though since they are free range. I had been missing Suzie Q so I knew she was laying on a clutch somewhere. Ronnie finally found her. And she was on a clutch of eggs. She finally hatched out some babies. She hatched 4 babies. One of them did not make it, so she has 3 running beside her. They are so cute and small. She is a great momma. She teaches them so well. I love to see them running around the farm. Now, I do not want to have any more chicks running around for a while. They are cute but how many chickens can one farm have. Over 30 is enough!! I am grateful for them. I lost 2 chickens the same week those babies hatched. It’s funny how these things work out. 

Book Signing

 I had my first book signing!! I was so excited!! I appreciate so much the Happy Day Humane Society letting me come out. I did sign as sell some books. Of course I gave a donation back to them. I was so happy to do it. I love talking about these books and the animals that these books are about. It makes me want to continue to write and continue to help animals. This humane society is the best one I have seen. The people that work there are all very dedicated and they do a fantastic job of caring for those animals. I’m so grateful for those people being in my life. I’m grateful for them letting me do a book signing and I’m grateful for all my friends who came out to support me. 

Update on Chief

 Chief is doing fantastic here. His eyes and nose have stopped running after antibiotics. He continues to be friendly and he seems to like it here. He is making friends from the stall. He is such a beautiful horse. He is a one of a kind horse. I’m so grateful he is here. He is eating well and drinking well. He is such a kind animal. I’m so happy that he is here!! He is going to get along with these other animals just fine. They are meeting through the gate and seem to be happy about the new addition here. 


 Well, Maude was one of the chickens that was here when we moved here. She has started acting like she did not feel good. She had looked lethargic for a few days. I saw her out by the fence one day and went over to her. She tried to move away from me, but she didn’t go far or fast. I picked her up and cuddled her. I decided to go in the house and get some meds for her. I didn’t know what was wrong but I thought I could do something. I grabbed some stuff I thought might help and went back outside. Seriously. I was gone literally 3 minutes, 5 at the most. I got back and Maude was in the same spot I had left her in. As I looked closer, she had passed away in those minutes I was gone. I know things were not looking good but I had no idea they were that bad. Bless her little heart. I was heartbroken. I don’t know what happened but at least she isn’t in pain anymore. 

Crazy Cats

 Peanut Butter and Earl and Jelly have a weird relationship. Earl and Jelly don’t really get along, unless Peanut Butter is there and then they are fine. It’s so weird. Jelly hisses at Earl and Earl will chase him. I think they will get over whatever it is that they have going on. The longer Peanut Butter is gone, the more the other two have to tolerate each other. Peanut Butter is the peace keeper. He has been running off lately. I don’t see Jelly and Earl together too often. They have been eating together in the mornings lately which is different. I guess time will tell what happens. These two have got to get along. Ronnie said I cannot bring anymore home. Honestly, I don’t want to at this point if these won’t stay home. 


 The night we got Chief, I had visitors over. I cannot tell you how much fun I had. The people who dropped off Chief for me, they were able to take a tour of all of our animals. Ronnie got to tell them all about how things started and what we were trying to accomplish. They stayed a while so they could love on the animals. It was great. They loved it and want to come by. A little while later, I got a text from a friend of mine and told her to come over and bring the kids. We went from pen to pen and they got to pet and love on all the animals. One of the boys got to drive the tractor with Ronnie guiding him. They got to walk Chief on the lead rope. The pigs even cooperated with wanting belly rubs. It was a fantastic time. I’m writing about this because this was a pivotal moment for us. I have been talking about this nonprofit and Ronnie was good with it. However, after this night, he realized exactly why I wanted to do this. To see people’s eyes light up when they see the animals. To be able to help those in need. I mean, the people that were there, it wasn’t because they need help, it was because they wanted to see the animals. But, to see the faces light up and the fun we had, it’s always amazing to me and I love it.