Thursday, October 14, 2021

Depressed Cracker Jack

 Cracker has seemed depressed lately. I feel bad for him. He was bonded with the goats and with Noma and Pete in one pasture and then he was moved with Noma and the goats into another pasture. The goats then went back to the other pasture and he was in the pasture with Noma. Then Jeb came along. Jeb likes to chase Cracker Jack because he is a young horse. We tried to put Cracker in with the cows but he is nervous of the cows for some reason. I am trying to put him somewhere that he feels happier. I think we have a plan but it hasn’t happened yet. Cracker Jack will stay with Noma this time. He needs some consistency if I can figure out where he is going to be happy. It’s been trial and error with him. I can’t put him with the goats he has been with since they are with the donkeys that need to be fixed. Those guys would torture him since they are all standard donkeys and Cracker Jack is a miniature donkey. We will get it figured out. Poor guy. He does seem better the last few days and Jeb is on the other pasture, so we may have it figured out. Time will tell. 

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