Thursday, October 14, 2021

Facing Facts

 Well, I started to write this when Peanut Butter was missing. I prayed and prayed for that cat to come home and he did. He was fine. Not skinny or a scratch on him. I have been loving on him more and making sure to give him plenty of attention. He was gone 5 whole days. That is torture for the people wondering where he is. This morning he was gone again. This drives me crazy and stresses me out. I know he is a cat and he does what he wants to. I’m sure he will come back and he was here last night. These guys are so funny. Jelly and Earl roam the entire property and I don’t worry too much. Jelly was gone for 24 hours one time but Earl had not been gone like that ever. Peanut Butter doesn’t roam around like the other two so I think I worry about him more. I’m sure he is fine and he will be home. I’m facing facts that these guys are independent and do as they please. It just makes me worry. 

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