Thursday, October 14, 2021


 Poor Skippy. His health had been declining. I don’t know what was going on with him. We tried meds. He seemed better for a little bit and then he started declining again. He was still limping, so I wrapped his foot but he wasn’t having it. I knew the day I had to pick him up from the barn to the food that things were not looking good. He had stopped roosting with the other chickens and he had stopped being around the other chickens. He has been gone now for several days, almost a week. I am sure he is gone. He will not be coming back. It breaks my heart. There was no sign of him. There were no feathers or anything. I knew I should have quarantined him in the chicken coop but the last time I did that, the chicken died soon after. I’m so sad about Skippy. He was a funny chicken. I know things happen and animals die but it still hurts. 

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