Sunday, October 31, 2021


 The night we got Chief, I had visitors over. I cannot tell you how much fun I had. The people who dropped off Chief for me, they were able to take a tour of all of our animals. Ronnie got to tell them all about how things started and what we were trying to accomplish. They stayed a while so they could love on the animals. It was great. They loved it and want to come by. A little while later, I got a text from a friend of mine and told her to come over and bring the kids. We went from pen to pen and they got to pet and love on all the animals. One of the boys got to drive the tractor with Ronnie guiding him. They got to walk Chief on the lead rope. The pigs even cooperated with wanting belly rubs. It was a fantastic time. I’m writing about this because this was a pivotal moment for us. I have been talking about this nonprofit and Ronnie was good with it. However, after this night, he realized exactly why I wanted to do this. To see people’s eyes light up when they see the animals. To be able to help those in need. I mean, the people that were there, it wasn’t because they need help, it was because they wanted to see the animals. But, to see the faces light up and the fun we had, it’s always amazing to me and I love it. 

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