Sunday, October 31, 2021


 I am amazed when things start getting darker earlier how the animals react. To me it’s because they are so smart and they know what is going on. They really do amaze me though. So, it is getting darker earlier. The donkeys usually stay out until dark, but they are coming in earlier to the barn. The chickens are getting ready to roost earlier. The pigs are going in their houses soon after they eat. I’ve seen the pasture goats going to the barn earlier and the other goats go in their house. The cats leave at dark normally. The horses have been going in the other barn and the cows have been getting in their shelter also. Noma and Cracker Jack have a shelter, but for some reason, they do not use it. I don’t have to do anything, they do it all. They know when the sun is setting and they go where they are supposed to. 

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