Sunday, October 31, 2021

Crazy Cats

 Peanut Butter and Earl and Jelly have a weird relationship. Earl and Jelly don’t really get along, unless Peanut Butter is there and then they are fine. It’s so weird. Jelly hisses at Earl and Earl will chase him. I think they will get over whatever it is that they have going on. The longer Peanut Butter is gone, the more the other two have to tolerate each other. Peanut Butter is the peace keeper. He has been running off lately. I don’t see Jelly and Earl together too often. They have been eating together in the mornings lately which is different. I guess time will tell what happens. These two have got to get along. Ronnie said I cannot bring anymore home. Honestly, I don’t want to at this point if these won’t stay home. 

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