Thursday, October 14, 2021

Could it be??

 There was a night not long ago where I had to run back to work right before it got dark. Not a big deal. Here’s the story. As I was driving home, I was getting close to home, but I live in a big rural area. I was almost there and I see something. It was a cat close to a house by our house. It’s not far but it’s far enough. I know there are wild hogs and other things that live out here. I wasn’t sure what it was. As I got closer I see that it’s a cat. Now, we had a cat that went missing in May of this year. I might have been wrong, but I swear that cat I saw was Rona. I swear it was her. When I got home, I was telling Ronnie about it, knowing it was a long shot and I was probably wrong. Maybe I was hoping it was her. Anyway, Ronnie said, I swear I have seen her, too. It looks just like her. I haven’t seen her again but next time I do, I am going to call her name and see if it’s her. She is the only cat I have even had that actually comes to her name when called. I look for her every time I pass that house. Maybe it is her. If it is then I know she is okay. 

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