Sunday, October 31, 2021


 Well, Maude was one of the chickens that was here when we moved here. She has started acting like she did not feel good. She had looked lethargic for a few days. I saw her out by the fence one day and went over to her. She tried to move away from me, but she didn’t go far or fast. I picked her up and cuddled her. I decided to go in the house and get some meds for her. I didn’t know what was wrong but I thought I could do something. I grabbed some stuff I thought might help and went back outside. Seriously. I was gone literally 3 minutes, 5 at the most. I got back and Maude was in the same spot I had left her in. As I looked closer, she had passed away in those minutes I was gone. I know things were not looking good but I had no idea they were that bad. Bless her little heart. I was heartbroken. I don’t know what happened but at least she isn’t in pain anymore. 

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