Sunday, October 31, 2021

Peanut Butter

 Oh, Peanut Butter. This cat drives me so crazy. If he knew how much I worried about him and how much I loved him, maybe he would stay home. He leaves all day and I’m guessing he comes home at night since all the food is gone overnight. Nothing else can get in there. I know Jelly and Earl stay out all night and then come home during the day. I haven’t seen him in over a week. Ronnie saw him a couple of days ago in the early morning hours. Where does he go?? What is he doing?? It makes me crazy. I want to know if he is okay. I want to know he is not hurt. I have no idea where else to even look for him. If he is coming home at night and eating and drinking, then that’s good. I pray he is fine. The other two stay close to home, I wonder if Peanut Butter is close by also. See, drives me crazy. And every time I make a post about this very subject, I go outside and there he is. Seriously. I made this post and then went outside and he was in the shop. I’m so glad. It’s awful to think, well, this is the time he won’t make it back and then he does. 

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