Thursday, October 14, 2021

Diarrhea Alex

 Alex has been having some diarrhea lately. Let me tell you, trying to give a cow meds for diarrhea is not fun. I got stepped on and he definitely gave me the run around the pen to get that halter on. He spit out that pill a couple of times, but we finally got it down him. It does take two of us to get this done. The pill did work finally. It’s the getting the pills down him that is hard. I wish I could video it for you. It’s comical to say the least. I know he is just scared and isn’t sure of what we are going to do to him. I hate that he is still struggling with being friendly but he is so much better than he was. It just takes time. Luckily, Alex is doing well now. Just another day in our life. 

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