Thursday, October 14, 2021

Mad Edith

 Poor Edith. She has been a broody hen lately. Ronnie found a clutch of eggs around the first of September. Now, after some research, I found that eggs hatch within 21 days. Edith was in the sun on those eggs. She was going to stay there until they hatched but she found them too late for them to hatch. She sat on them for longer than the 21 days. I knew she would starve to death laying on them. Ronnie and I got her off the nest and I gathered the eggs to throw them away. Edith was so mad. She had ruffled feathers and was making all kinds of noise. She was trying to attack us but those eggs were not going to hatch. She is still mad at us and will not come near us. I felt bad for her but at the same time, I knew it was not good for her health. I did what was best for her. 

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