Sunday, October 31, 2021


 Oh Wheezy. She was not looking good for a few days. I doctored her as best I could. Yesterday, she went downhill. She couldn’t lift her head. She wasn’t eating much. She was drinking water though. After a few hours, we put her in the chicken coop, alone to help her get better. We gave her some more meds. We have her food and water. She still wasn’t looking good. I was worried. Of course I started praying. She is my favorite because she lets me cuddle her. I cracked an egg and gave it to her. I put straw in a doghouse to keep her warm. A few hours later, I go out to check and her head is up and she is roosting high up on the laying boxes. I couldn’t believe it. The decision was made to leave her for the night. This morning, I got up and she was still roosting. The donkeys had surrounded the coop. I think they were protecting her or something. I decided to leave her in there. Ronnie sent me a text later that said Wheezy seemed to be Wheezy again, but wanted to leave her in the coop the rest of the night. When I got home, I went to check on her. She was literally pacing in front of the gate. She wanted out. So, I picked her up and put her back in with the goats. She seemed happy then. I don’t know what happened to her, but the prayers worked and she is better. I’m so thankful for that. 

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