Thursday, October 14, 2021


 Peanut Butter and Jelly have been together in the same place for a long time. When Jelly took off, Peanut Butter was sad and depressed. When Peanut Butter went missing Jelly was sad and depressed. You cannot tell me animals do not have emotions. You can see it all over them when they are sad or even when they are happy. After Peanut Butter was gone 5 days, Jelly did not leave his side. Neither of them were out of the shop at all for a while. They stayed together. That is worn off now but when they are both in the shop, they do stay close to each other. They are like brothers. They love each other and fight also. I’m glad they came together but when one of them disappears for awhile, it stresses me more because the one left behind is really sad. It’s hard to watch. It will all work out though. They are more comfortable here now and come and go as they please. I am not used to it and don’t like it, but it will be okay. 

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