Sunday, October 31, 2021

Cracking an egg

 There was a chicken egg in the shop, Ronnie handed it to me. I put it in my pocket and then forgot it. I, of course, broke that egg in my pocket. I know this sounds crazy but I felt my life was breaking just like that egg. I’m being a little dramatic because it wasn’t that bad, but it’s been a tough several months and I just felt that some things needed to change. The very next day, some things started changing. I am beyond happy about those changes and I really think they will be for the better. It’s funny though, when that egg broke, I thought, my life needs to change. Something needs to change. I prayed and asked God what I needed to change because things were not working for me. I saw a post not long ago that said, God had to make you uncomfortable for things to change or you wouldn’t have moved. I felt that to my core. Things are going well now and some changes are coming. God answered those prayers. Life is full of ups and downs, but change is the constant. 

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