Sunday, October 31, 2021

More Chicks??

 Oh my. I wish these chickens would just lay their eggs in one spot consistently. They do not though since they are free range. I had been missing Suzie Q so I knew she was laying on a clutch somewhere. Ronnie finally found her. And she was on a clutch of eggs. She finally hatched out some babies. She hatched 4 babies. One of them did not make it, so she has 3 running beside her. They are so cute and small. She is a great momma. She teaches them so well. I love to see them running around the farm. Now, I do not want to have any more chicks running around for a while. They are cute but how many chickens can one farm have. Over 30 is enough!! I am grateful for them. I lost 2 chickens the same week those babies hatched. It’s funny how these things work out. 

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