Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 20

I turned another year older today. My husband bought me a dozen roses which are so pretty. He also made me my favorite dinner. 

Oreo and Ursula are still fighting and then love each other and then fighting. They can’t decide if they are friends or not. It changes minute by minute. 

I saw Melody tonight. She looks like she doesn’t have any tail feathers. That’s so weird to me. Only the strong survive around here. 

Yeller gave me some cuddles tonight. He is such a wonderful cat. I’m glad he showed up here out of nowhere. 

Maggie had some chicken drama. The chickens still try to eat Maggie’s food, but she fights them these days. 

Athena let me pet her tonight. That does not happen often. She is not a cuddly, loving cat. 

The donkeys were out in the pasture again tonight. They are loving life. 

Lester got ran off some feed by Sonny, so I gave him more in a different spot. He is so docile, he won’t even fight for food. 

I have been concerned about Porky, Buckwheat, and Waldo. It looks like things are going better there. We will see what happens. 

Yeller is loving the crate when the weather is cooler. He is one smart cat. 

The pigs are doing well. They hardly ever complain though. They are easy to make happy. 

I really am grateful for the farm. It teaches me so much every day. I needed this place. 

Hercules gave me such a nice happy birthday. He licked my face like a dog. He is such a silly goat. 

The chickens are still roosting in the dead bush. It does make me laugh. 

Word of the day is confidence. Jeremiah 17:7

November 19

I worked hard on finishing up a children’s book today. I got it finished and had it published. That was fast, but I think it’s pretty good. I will be able to have the books out at my book signing in a few weeks. 
I went out with Ronnie to help feed and Jelly followed me around again. He cracks me up. 

It was another beautiful night here in West Texas. 

I watched Brutus dragging his hooves around in the dirt. I’m guessing he is filing them down so he doesn’t have to get them trimmed. He would be a smart pig if that was the case. 

Spam is sneaky like Bubba. She wants to be petted and loved on and then when she has had her fill, she will snap at me. I’m glad I am faster than her. That would be painful. 

Everyone is happy around here. No new complaints. 

Yeller is starting to come out of the shop more often. He is able to walk on all four feet. It looks like the injury is healed. 

The donkeys were way out in the pasture tonight. They truly do just enjoy life. 

The goats came in with the sun setting. 

There was a weird rattling noise coming from the barn. I have no idea what that’s about. 

Word of the day is sneaky. Titus 1:16

November 18

Ronnie and I got up this morning and cleaned out the pig pen. I got to spend time with the pigs while cleaning out the pen. Their personalities are just the best. 

There is a cold front coming in. The cows were lying down enjoying it. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. 

The donkeys and goats needed to be nosy and see what Ronnie and I were doing while cleaning out the pens. They felt like they needed to oversee the project and that is what they did. They didn’t make a fuss so I guess they approved. 

Willow also watched us the whole time and she wanted some attention. She let us know she wanted some attention and also let us know she was upset with us for not giving it to her. 

Ronnie and I went to town to get some stuff done and I saw Jeb laying down. Since Saverine had colic a few months ago, I start to freak out when I see one laying down. I got worried about Jeb. He was fine though. 

Jelly was chased by the cows today. I don’t remember ever seeing that. It happened though. 

Maggie got disoriented and stuck under the porch. Poor girl. That was terrible. She was exhausted after Ronnie coaxed her out of there. I think he was also. 
Porky has been out of the shelter at night. I’m hoping that’s by choice and not because the other two have kicked him out. It concerns me to see that, especially with a cold front coming through. 
Word of the day is concern. Proverbs 19:17

November 17

It was another pretty evening, but it usually is. I look forward to seeing the pretty evenings. 

Jelly followed me around the pasture tonight. I sure do love that silly cat. He is something else. He knows what he is doing. 

I got to pet Wheezy again tonight. She was not thrilled but it made me happy. 

Chloe does not know what she wants anymore. She was on the fence by herself and then jumped to another fence and then another. She is such a mess. It makes me laugh. 

I sure to laugh every time I see those crazy chickens in the tree. I mean, why there? What happens when the wind blows too hard? I guess they will figure it out. 

The moon was pretty tonight. It’s nice to be able to see the moon and stars out here. 

Word of the day is laughter. Job 8:21

November 16

With the weather changing and the time change, the donkeys are coming in around sunset to get into their barn. Donkeys are smarter than anyone can imagine. 

Chloe the chicken still comes in and checks on her grown chickens. She has been starting to roost with the other chickens instead of being by herself. 

I got to see Wheezy today and give her some attention. She is one of my babies for sure. She tolerates me petting her. She is the hen who was raised by the goats two years ago. She has done well since getting in with the other chickens. 

Oh the Mattie saga continues. I just don’t even know what to say about that anymore. Things are not going well. That’s all I know. 

The sheep are doing well. I watch Bill pretty close when the weather changes. He gets pneumonia easily. 

Word of the day is checking in. 1 Corinthians 12:26

November 15

Today is mine and Ronnie’s wedding anniversary. He bought me some pretty flowers for our anniversary. He is good to me. 

I got home a little later than normal. Ronnie fed the animals while I helped with dinner and stuff around the house. Feeding the animals is the best part of my day, but I know I needed to get some stuff done in the house. 

Maggie was struggling more today. She is still having some good days, but watching her on those bad days are just not fun.

Jelly warmed my heart today. He was so excited to see me standing outside, he was running toward me at a fast rate of speed. It was certainly a sweet moment. 

Word of the day is struggling. Psalm 56:8

November 14

There was another beautiful sunrise this morning. The horses were eating their new bale of hay and seemed like they were enjoying the hay. 

There were some crazy clouds rolling in. I’m not sure what those clouds mean, but they mean something. Rain hopefully is what it means. 

Yeller finally came out of the shop after being injured. He is doing much better. I hate to see any of them injured or sick. I’m always happy when they start to feel better. 

All the animals are doing pretty well. I know the weather is a little nutty, so I watch them closer when things start to change. 

We have a chicken here who hatched earlier this year and she is absolutely gorgeous. She has brown closer on her head and then she has black iridescent feathers. She is gorgeous.

There was more bonding going on with the donkeys, goats, and us humans. They were appreciative about the treats again today. They all love them. 

Jelly is such a sweet and loveable cat. He will follow me and Ronnie all over the farm while we are feeding. He will stop when we stop and lay down for petting. 

The hens and rooster are still trying to roost in the bush they have killed. I do believe they killed the bush, but they were born underneath it so they still live in it. I wish they would move. Soon they are going to have to move because we are going to have to cut the eyesore down. 

Word of the day is bonding. Romans 12:10