Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November 7

Ronnie and I made what felt like a trip across the world today. We went a few hours out of our way to get to the four corners which meant a lot to me. We saw the four corners and got to look around at some native crafts. 

Going to the four corners and this vacation means Ronnie and I were able to mark off three more states for our goal of seeing all 50 states together. After this trip, we are at 26 states in 10 years. I would say that’s an accomplishment. 

We also were able to see Billy the Kidd’s grave which Ronnie wanted to see. I’m glad we were able to see so much. It may have been 2035 miles in 3 days but it was a good trip. We needed it. 

The animals were all good when we got home. Maggie was having difficulty, but her routine was messed up a little and it takes her a while to get back on track. She will though. 
Word of the day is goals. Philippians 3:17

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