Tuesday, November 14, 2023

November 6

Ronnie and I stayed in a cute little cabin in Flagstaff. It was a cozy place. 

We set out for the Grand Canyon. Once we got there, the views were indescribable. When you look at the Grand Canyon, you must see that God exists to design something as breathtaking as that. It is a must see. We had seen it from an airplane before, but  seeing the canyon in person was so much better. 

After the canyon we went to the corner in Winslow the Eagles sang about. That was a neat little stop. 

We then went to see the painted desert. The same thing I said about the Grand Canyon applies here also. It was gorgeous. 
After that we were both exhausted and went back to the room to sleep. We were going home the next day. 

I got a couple of text messages about the animals are they were all doing fine, except Maggie. She wasn’t doing well. Poor girl. I know things are tough for her. I’m grateful my friends are patient with her and do what needs to be done for her. 
Word of the day is indescribable. Colossians 1:16

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