Saturday, November 4, 2023

October 31

There was frost all over the ground this morning. It did not seem to be bothering the animals a bit. They were out and about with no issues. 

The view this morning with the frost and the moon was gorgeous. 

Yeller is getting around more which is a good thing. He still limps around and acts like that foot hurts, but it probably does hurt. I’m hoping he heals completely quickly. 

It’s hard to believe watching her now that Rena the chicken has been through so much. She has healed well and is enjoying her life again. 

Willow is just the cutest. She is starting to become very vocal, just like a girl, but she never is vocal when I have the camera out and ready. She really is growing up fast. 

The little goats are still being mean toPorky lately. He is still getting ran off the food trough. I tried to give him some hay on the sly and he appreciated it greatly and ate it up. 

The donkeys in the pasture are really living it up in the cooler weather. They like to roam and they are doing that so much I only see them at a distance anymore. 

The younger chickens sure are growing fast. They sure are beautiful. 

We do have a chicken named Melody who seems like the boss. She gives the roosters a run for it. She is in charge of these younger chickens. I find it hilarious. 

Word of the day is in charge. Psalm 78:72

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