Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 12

Well, I cannot feel my right hand, but I got my project finished for my granddaughter. So this week I have finished 2 quilts, one for my grandson and one for my granddaughter. I’m not sure why I even thought about it, but they are completed. 

Willow is walking around this place like she owns it. She is too much some days. 

Mattie still loves his sister, Willow. She comes to visit him every day. They are a sweet sibling pair. Well, most of the time. 

Mattie and the trailer are still not friends. This is such a crazy thing to watch. We are still feeding him in the trailer, but he is not getting in the trailer. 

I did try to put the bowl far from him, but he grabbed it with his teeth and dumped it over so he could get to it and eat it all. And that he did. 

The sun was so gorgeous tonight. It is every night, but I’m always in awe of seeing it. 

Maggie is starting to get the routine down again and seems to be a bit better. That’s always a good thing to see. 

Pepper is in the same boat as Maggie. She isn’t as bad but she isn’t good either. 

Word of the day is projects. 1 John 3:18

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