Tuesday, November 21, 2023

November 9

Vacation has been wonderful. I’ve been working on projects this week. It’s been nice to do things I enjoy and be able to relax. I have really needed it. 

The horses have been such brats since we got back from our trip. Their routine was a little off and they were not happy about it. They will get over it and they should be grateful they got fed. I mean, I’m grateful for that. However, instead of being grateful, they are out there dumping over their feed trough and demanding more food. 

The donkeys were certainly happy to see us. They came to check us and make sure it was us coming home. They were glad to see us. 

The weather was cooler today, so the animals were all being frisky with running around the pasture. It just makes me smile to see them all so happy. Jasper was chasing Willow around the pasture. Willow was running as fast as she could. I hope they were playing. 

Ronnie and I had been working on halter trying with Mattie. Let’s just say he is smart. But, he has an appointment to go to the vet tomorrow so it had to be done. I got out there after Ronnie had been trying most of the day. Mattie was sick of it. I got out there with him and after an hour and a half and it getting dark, I finally got the halter on. It felt like a big accomplishment for me. He wasn’t happy, but I was. 

We also had a tree guy come out today and cut some branches out of the electrical wires before winter hits. Thank goodness that’s done. 
I swear, these tree chickens crack me up. They get way up in the tree. I’m just glad they are protected but I really do not want them to kill another tree. There are a few up on top of the fencing also which makes me laugh. I have no idea what they are thinking. 

I am glad to be at home. 
Word of the day is home. Proverbs 24:3-4

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