Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 13

Noma is taking a page out of Willow’s book and is irritating the pigs. I find it funny. The pigs however do not find it funny at all. 

Yeller is so much better than he was. He can walk on all four legs now, but he is still staying close to home. 

The donkeys are loving the cooler air and all the places they have to roam. 

I do have a handful of chickens roosting in the donkey/goat barn. There are so many chickens everywhere, I wondered where they all were roosting. 

The horses got a new hay bale today. They are always grateful for that. Keeping them fed takes a lot. 

Mattie and this trailer is still an ongoing problem. Nothing has changed there. He still refuses to go in the trailer. 

We now have what I call the stairway to the tree. We have 3 hens that roost way up high in the tree and they use a dead tree branch to get up there. It’s so funny to watch them. The stairway may have to stay so they can feel safe in the tree. Something happened to a few hens in their old roosting spot because I have 5 that now get as high as they can go. I have no idea what it was but it wasn’t good. 

We got some nice greetings from the donkeys and goats this evening. Ronnie bonded with them with apples. They love the apples. They were all grateful for the treats. 

I also realized today if I could write the children’s book with the drawings I have, I could have copies of that at the book signing as well. I better hop to it. 
Word of the day is stairway. Acts 20:8

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