Saturday, November 4, 2023

November 3

The chickens are still trying to steal Maggie’s food. She is taking up for herself though so that’s a good thing. They used to run her away from the food, but not anymore. 

Athena let me pet her today. That is a rare thing. It sure did make me happy. 

These young hens are just gorgeous. I don’t know what all they are mixed with since they were born here, but they are so unique. 

There are so many chickens everywhere. They are happy here though and they have plenty of space to live comfortably. 

Onyx is loving the barn set up with the crates and blankets. She was hanging out in the barn earlier after she ate. 

Saverine let me pet on her. I’m so glad she is loving it here and she is learning to love us. 

Sonny was being aggressive with the hens so I had to spray him with water. He was not happy with me, but he left the hens alone. 

Mattie was sweet tonight. He shoved his hay over to the side so Alex and Willow could eat with him. 

The donkeys came in to see us tonight. They have been staying out in the pasture much of the time lately. The were rewarded with carrots. They even let Ronnie feed them the carrots. They were playing nice with him.

Hercules even ate some carrots. What I find funny about that is goats do not have top teeth. He did not have any trouble though. 

Word of the day is sharing. Luke 6:38

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