Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 18

Ronnie and I got up this morning and cleaned out the pig pen. I got to spend time with the pigs while cleaning out the pen. Their personalities are just the best. 

There is a cold front coming in. The cows were lying down enjoying it. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet. 

The donkeys and goats needed to be nosy and see what Ronnie and I were doing while cleaning out the pens. They felt like they needed to oversee the project and that is what they did. They didn’t make a fuss so I guess they approved. 

Willow also watched us the whole time and she wanted some attention. She let us know she wanted some attention and also let us know she was upset with us for not giving it to her. 

Ronnie and I went to town to get some stuff done and I saw Jeb laying down. Since Saverine had colic a few months ago, I start to freak out when I see one laying down. I got worried about Jeb. He was fine though. 

Jelly was chased by the cows today. I don’t remember ever seeing that. It happened though. 

Maggie got disoriented and stuck under the porch. Poor girl. That was terrible. She was exhausted after Ronnie coaxed her out of there. I think he was also. 
Porky has been out of the shelter at night. I’m hoping that’s by choice and not because the other two have kicked him out. It concerns me to see that, especially with a cold front coming through. 
Word of the day is concern. Proverbs 19:17

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