Wednesday, November 29, 2023

November 11

I have still been working on a project for Christmas. My carpel tunnel is acting up like crazy. I will finish the project though. I’m so close. Persia is not making it easy. 

Annabeth and Rena are still hanging out doing well. At some point I think I might let them out, but not anytime soon. 

Jelly sure has been roaming close to home. I’m glad about that. He knows where his home is. 

Buckwheat and Waldo are still being jerks to Porky. They always have been so I don’t know why I’m surprised about that. 

The Mattie saga is still ongoing. He is still not in the trailer and still refuses to even attempt to get in that trailer. We may never get him to the vet. I need to find one that will come to the house, but so far, no luck. Mattie is so stubborn, well smart. Whichever way you want to look at it, the saga continues. At least he is cute. 

The cows are jerks right now. I have no idea what is wrong with them, but something is. 

Word of the day is home. Isaiah 32:18

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