Friday, November 24, 2023

November 10

I had been wondering if the fainting goats were eating their hay. They always had a lot left over, but I watched today and they are eating their hay. 

It looks like most of the animals, well probably all the animals are happy we are home. They are sure acting excited about it anyway. 

The cats were all home this morning which always makes me happy. 

Maggie and Pepper were enjoying the cooler weather out. 

Today is the day Mattie had a vet appointment. I will tell you right now, that was something else. Ronnie pulled the trailer in the pasture and Jasper went as far away from that thing as possible. I cannot say I blame him. Willow was curious about the trailer though. Ronnie got the trailer all set up for Mattie to get in it. He put hay in there to coax him in. That didn’t work. I got in the trailer (there is an escape door so no one get worried) and started trying to coax him with treats. Nope, did not work. Then we let him try to figure things out with no pressure. Nope, that did not work either. Ronnie got the sorting flag out to get him to jump in the trailer. That did not work either. He crumpled to the ground in fear. It was heartbreaking. After that the vet appointment was cancelled, so he is still in the pen and the trailer is still there for him to get used to. That was awful for all of us. Good thing Mattie is so cute. Willow, Noma, and the cows were all checking on Mattie throughout the day after all that. Even the donkeys in the other pasture were checking on the situation. 

I was able to finish a project for Christmas today after all that. It was nice to be able to do that. 

The chickens thought it was a good idea to chase me around for food. I mean, they were probably disappointed, I was not running. They do not scare me. There are a lot of them though.

Rena finally figured out how to get up on top of the laying boxes. I’m not sure what she is doing up there, but she is not hanging out up there. 

It was a beautiful evening with the clouds coming in. Maybe we will get some rain. 

The pigs are sure happy we are back. In reality, they are probably just happy in general and I see it how I want to see it. 

Jelly is still following me around in the pastures. I sure do love that silly cat. 

I’m telling you what, we have chickens roosting in a tree. It makes me laugh so hard to look up and see those chickens high up in a tree. 

We also have those high up on fencing. I’m not sure what that is about either. One of them was giving me such a weird look but it was too funny not to take a picture of. That was is now named Lola. She looks exactly like Gloria and Sally. Sally is passed away now, but she looks crazy like those two. 

We are feeding Mattie in the trailer, but if he can’t reach it, he won’t eat it. They say donkeys are stubborn and that is a true statement if I have ever heard one. 

It is getting dark early now with the time change. It’s weird to see the chickens roosting so early. That’s nature though. They know what to do. 

Word of the day is frustrating. Romans 8:37

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