Thursday, November 30, 2023

November 20

I turned another year older today. My husband bought me a dozen roses which are so pretty. He also made me my favorite dinner. 

Oreo and Ursula are still fighting and then love each other and then fighting. They can’t decide if they are friends or not. It changes minute by minute. 

I saw Melody tonight. She looks like she doesn’t have any tail feathers. That’s so weird to me. Only the strong survive around here. 

Yeller gave me some cuddles tonight. He is such a wonderful cat. I’m glad he showed up here out of nowhere. 

Maggie had some chicken drama. The chickens still try to eat Maggie’s food, but she fights them these days. 

Athena let me pet her tonight. That does not happen often. She is not a cuddly, loving cat. 

The donkeys were out in the pasture again tonight. They are loving life. 

Lester got ran off some feed by Sonny, so I gave him more in a different spot. He is so docile, he won’t even fight for food. 

I have been concerned about Porky, Buckwheat, and Waldo. It looks like things are going better there. We will see what happens. 

Yeller is loving the crate when the weather is cooler. He is one smart cat. 

The pigs are doing well. They hardly ever complain though. They are easy to make happy. 

I really am grateful for the farm. It teaches me so much every day. I needed this place. 

Hercules gave me such a nice happy birthday. He licked my face like a dog. He is such a silly goat. 

The chickens are still roosting in the dead bush. It does make me laugh. 

Word of the day is confidence. Jeremiah 17:7

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