Saturday, December 2, 2023

November 21

Persia and Bubba were hanging out nicely together. They have been in the same home together for 13 years. Bubba is not doing well and I think Persia knows it. They were sweet hanging out together. 

There is another cold front moving in. You can feel it in the air. 

When I came home I heard Porky coughing. I’m going to have to watch him closely. 

We have a big white rooster now. I haven’t named him yet. He is causing drama already. He is the biggest rooster on the whole property. Oh he is big. 

Athena looks like she has an eye infection. I will have to watch her also. 

Tinkerbelle is still eating the table. I don’t know what I am going to do with her. 

My brain wasn’t working today. I gave Alex the wrong feed. I mean it won’t hurt him, but that meant I had to go get more feed for the donkeys. I’m not sure what happened there. 

We are still feeding Mattie out of the trailer, but I’m sure you guessed it, Mattie is still not getting in the trailer. 

I was shocked to see that Willow is still nursing. She is like eight months old. I know Noma was trying to wean her, but it looks like Willow is not having it. Mattie was the same way. 

Chief was so handsome standing by the fence tonight. 

Jeb is still throwing his food on the ground. I wish I knew what he was doing. 

I thought the Porky issue with the food was working out, but it isn’t. I will figure something out. 

Word of the day is cold front. Job 37:9

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