Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 2

It sure was a windy and dusty evening. It was not shocking. It’s December in West Texas after all. 

The donkeys were living it up in the pasture. 

All the cats were in the shop when we went out to feed. The stray, feral cat I have not seen in a long time, but Ronnie says he has seen him in the mornings. 

I do get asked the question often how the cats and chickens get along. Surprisingly they do well. I watched Lester and Onyx together. Neither one of them was intimidated by the other one in their air space. 

Porky is doing well eating alone. He is enjoying not having to fight for his food. It’s amazing what adding another bowl will do. 

Jasper decided he wanted to challenge me for more food tonight. I stood my ground and he went away. I won that one. 

Willow and Mattie are sure sweet siblings. They really do act like they love each other. 

Apparently there are some chickens slipping in the shop again. I’m not surprised. They do it every year. These hens are laying eggs in the shop. I’m inserting an eye roll here. 

Porky is so happy about eating on his own, he was sharing with a chicken tonight. 

I did finish another project today between naps from not feeling too well. 

Oreo and Ursula were being all loving tonight. That is a rare thing. 

Word of the day is calmness. Psalm 4:8

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