Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 14

Well, we are leaving tomorrow for a day and I’m in full freak out mode. Did I wrap everything, did I pack everything, what am I forgetting because you know there is something. I don’t know why I do this to myself. It’s one day. Just one. Everything will be fine. I know that, but my brain is telling me nope, something is being forgotten. Hopefully that is not the case. 

It’s rainy and cold outside. That equals no fun in my book. However, the animals don’t seem to mind, so why do I?? 

Jeb is still being a jerk. I wish I knew what his problem was. 

Ronnie even fed tonight so I could get the rest of everything packed and ready to go. Now I just need to breathe. My anxiety is taking control and that’s ridiculous. 

Word of the day is breathe. Job 33:4

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