Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 29

Saverine may be 25 years old, but she sure did look good standing by the fence tonight. She is such a pretty horse and has a sweet spirit about her. 

Nothing much new happened tonight. Willow was irritating the goats trying to get to their feed, but she could not get to the feed. I was able to get her mind on me petting her instead of her messing with the goats. 

Jasper wanted the donkey feed so badly. Ronnie was standing between him and the feed and he had this look of defiance on his face. All I could do was laugh. He would look at Ronnie and then he would look at me. It was really funny. He knew what he was doing. Him and Alex ended up eating the rest of the donkey feed. 

The other donkeys came in from the pasture this evening. They are so funny. I gave them some hay tonight. They fought over it with each other and the goats, but they all got some hay. They may fight but they love each other and will eventually share the food. 

Willow was nose to nose with one of the pigs tonight and there was no squealing, so that is a good sign. They are starting to love each other. 

We discovered tonight that Maggie is mostly blind now. She is also hard of hearing and she is losing the strength in her back legs. She still tries, but she is getting worse and my heart is broken. I know the time is coming and it is coming soon. Remember to tell those you love that you love them and spend time with them because tomorrow is not promised. 

It is also time to take the batteries out of the Christmas tree and put it away. Or we may leave it all year like we did last year. Who knows at this point. 

Word of the day is time. Proverbs 27:1

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