Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 7

 There was a gorgeous sunrise with the horses eating their hay in the background. It was such a great sight to see. 

Rojo is not liking Lester and he will run him off food every time, but I make sure Lester gets to eat. He is a sweet rooster, the rest of them, not so much. 

I spoke too soon on Bill and Ted. Bill is usually the one that gets sick with the weather change. This time something is wrong with Ted. It cannot be good because he won't eat. They are food driven, so I need to figure it out quickly. 

Tinkerbelle wanted some attention today. She is sure pretty. 

The horses are still doing well so nothing new there. I want it to stay that way. 

Jeb is becoming the leader and I do not think I like his new personality so far. He is being mean to the other horses. I thought at first it was just because the weather was changing, but I do not think it's that anymore. Getting the leadership role might be the issue with Jeb since Chief is even staying away from him. 

Noma and Willow are still being run off their feed by those cows. It's just unbelievable. They have hay and we are feeding them double. What else can we do? 

Mattie is looking better, but it still shows he is not feeling much better. He was refusing to eat his hay, so I feed him a little grain and he did eat that. It's something at least. 

I watched the donkeys out in the pasture. They love it out there. The goats were out there also, but not as far. I keep saying these animals are smart. 

The pigs continue to be cute little things. I just love them. They are also smarter than they get credit for. A few of them got cold I guess and bent some sheet metal to block the wind. They also dragged a ripped up sunshade in there to stay warm. Now that is smart. 

Jelly is still following whoever he can and then flops over for attention. I gladly gave the attention. 

Yeller is hurt again. Different back leg this time. No wonder he is hanging out so much in the shop. I wish I knew what or who was hurting him. It's never a big sign of an injury and if you are not around all the time, you would not even know, but I do know because I am here all the time. 

Word of the day is intelligence of animals. Genesis 1:26-27

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