Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 28

 I look out the window and see the rooster with the bad hair crowing away. It made me laugh while I was making coffee. 

I came home early with a bad headache. When I pulled into the driveway, I saw all the donkeys. I had not seen them close to the house in several days. It was good to see them. 

I watched Cinderella and Yeller chasing each other in the pen. I had never seen them do that. It was certainly cute to watch. 

The sheep are so happy all the time but I am telling you, those tails hurt when they wag them too close to you. 

The horses must have thrown a fit today. The feed trough was turned over and Ronnie was over there turning it upright. They were all standing around him watching to see what he was doing. It looked like he had their approval. Probably only because it was feeding time. 

Maggie and Pepper were laying so close to eat other like they used to do tonight. They are a sweet little pair of friends. 

Word of the day is friendship. Ecclesiastes 4:9

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