Saturday, December 2, 2023

November 23

It’s Thanksgiving. Ronnie cooked today while I worked. I might have had a small little break down. I do miss my family at the holidays, but I know I am where I am supposed to be, but that does not make it any less hard. 

The chickens were sharing their food with Hercules which seems fitting for the holiday. Sharing is always a good thing. 

On the flip side, Lester was ran off some chicken feed, so I gave him more so he would eat. I really do like that rooster. 

Porky, Buckwheat, and Waldo were doing good with sharing for about three minutes and then it stopped. I’m not surprised. I wish I knew what their problem was. Of course now it doesn’t really matter because they now have two bowls, so at least they all eat. 

Tinkerbelle and Cinderella also have two bowls, but they have always had two bowls. Sometimes they use one and sometimes they each use their own. They get along fine though. They have no issues. 

Willow and Noma are enjoying the new wheat hay bale. It does not look like the cows are eating much of that for some reason. Oh well, the donkeys like it. They like it so much they didn’t come in until way after I put out their feed and the chickens were eating all of that for them. 

Tinkerbelle had been eating a table we had in the shop. I got smart and moved it so she could not do that anymore. She is such a silly goat. 

The pigs are all doing well, like always. 

The sunset was sure nice to look at tonight. 

Bacon Bit let me pet her tonight. She used to let me all the time, but since we moved it’s been few and far in between. Pigs can hold a grudge and I don’t care what anyone else says about it. 

The moon is starting to look like a full moon is coming. No one is acting different yet, but they will. I have no doubt about it. 

Spam let me pet on her. I have to watch her because once you pet her for a bit, she will snap at me. I do not want her to end up biting me. 

Jelly followed me into the pasture. He has been staying closer to home lately, so when we come out, he does not want to miss anything. 

We have a huge white rooster that may end up taking over the entire place. We will see what happens with that. 

Onyx must have been cold tonight. She came into the shop and curled up. I cannot say I blame her. It was cold. 

Word of the day is sharing. Romans 12:13

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