Saturday, December 2, 2023

November 25

We had some visitors today. It’s always great to see the kids and grandkids. Our grandson knows his way around here for sure. He loves it here. Our granddaughter is still a little reserved. She might be a little nervous still but our grandson is not. 

Jeb was laying down again and that freaks me out so much. He was fine though. 

Mattie was sitting up like a person. That makes me laugh. I have no idea why he does that. 

All the cats were home this evening. I love seeing that. 

I couldn’t find Suzie Q tonight but I finally did and she was roosting in the donkey barn. I’m glad she was okay. 

I got to see Wheezy again tonight. I’m not sure where she has been lately. 

I started feeding Porky in a new bowl and that has helped things in that pen. I wanted to make sure he ate. That’s all I was worried about. 

Jasper is still stealing the donkey’s food. Good grief. Willow finally gave up and started stealing Mattie’s hay. I can’t really say stealing because Mattie is good with sharing with her. 

The horses are still doing well. 

Athena was hanging off the sunshade in the goat’s pen. Again, she’s crazy. 

We still have chickens roosting in the tree. 

Word of the day is nervous. Luke 1:37

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