Monday, December 25, 2023

December 21

I went out to my car to go to work and I saw all the donkeys and goats in the pasture just grazing away. That always makes my day. They love life. We all need to love life and be grateful for all the blessings we have been given. They do not need much to be happy. They have lots of room to live in, shelter, food, water, and love. That is all they need and they have it. 

Later in the evening, when I went out to feed, The donkeys were up by the fencing watching me. They are beautiful to see.


Athena let me pick her up and love on her. I probably was more happy about that than she was. She is not much for love and affection. 

I went out into the pasture to give the chickens feed and of course, the donkeys and goats helped themselves to more of the chicken feed. They sure are funny animals. 

Word of the day is life. John 6:35

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