Monday, December 25, 2023

December 20

 Let me tell you what. These dogs we have do not care what is around them. They run out of the back door with the speed of lightening. It makes me laugh. When the donkeys are at the water trough, they become high on alert. The donkeys see the dogs as a threat since they do not know them. I am glad there is fencing in between them. You can see the danger written on the donkeys' faces. Luckily they have not tried to get through the fencing to get to the dogs. 

After the dogs had the donkeys all stirred up, I went over to pet them and calm them down. Ned gave me some smiles. As I was petting the donkeys, I kept wondering where Red was. I could not see him. He did finally wander on over. They are such amazing animals. 

I found the biggest egg today. It filled my entire palm. I have no idea which chicken laid that. It was huge. 

When I went out to feed the chickens, not only did the goats eat some of their feed, so did the donkeys. I have to laugh about it. At least they all live in harmony and do not try to fight over the food. 

Jelly got into the pasture as the donkeys were eating the chicken feed. I am glad he is fast. I told him not to go, but he did not listen. I know we are like that sometimes, we do not listen to reason. Jelly did not listen at all. I watched and prayed nothing would happen to Jelly. It took about 3 seconds for Ned to see Jelly and take off toward him. Jelly did make it back across the fence unharmed. The whole thing happened so fast, but it felt like it was going in slow motion. It all turned out fine. 

Mattie is doing well after his surgery. He still is not back to normal, yet, but he is getting there. 

Jeb has been such a jerk lately. I do not know what his problem is. I did get to love on Takua today without Jeb getting in the way or in the middle of it. Takua has such a sweet spirit. He is so loving. 

Jeb decided to eat with the other horses again tonight. He never does that but has done that the last two days. I just do not understand, but I guess I do not have to understand. I am guessing Jeb is trying to throw his weight around and become a leader in the herd. That is the only thing I can figure out. 

Chief does not mind that Jeb is eating far away from his bowl. He is able to eat in peace. I cannot say I blame him.

When I tell you these animals all get along as well as to be expected, I mean that. I watched the sheep, Athena, and the chickens all hanging out without any difficulty today. They all seemed to be where they wanted to be and they were all fine. 

Darla did something tonight she has not done in years. She decided she wanted out of the pen and she went right past me. That seemed to go in slow motion tonight as well. I went to panic, but what good does that do? Ronnie was not home, so it was up to me to get her back to where she was supposed to be. I went after her as calmly as I could to not freak her out like I was freaking out on the inside. I took some feed and shook it close to her and she followed me back into the pen. I could tell she did not want to get back in there, but she did. It was out of character for her. She has always seemed like she was content in the pen with the others. 

I watched the donkeys running into the pasture this evening. I do not know why that makes me so happy, but it does make me happy. I know they are happy and that is what matters to me. 

Onyx decided she wanted some petting tonight. That is a rare occurrence. She does love us and is more social than Athena, but she does not always want to be petted and loved on. Of course I gave her some attention since she asked. 

The goats decided to follow me tonight. I wonder where they thought we were going. They followed me all the way to the fence when I went out of the gate. 

I went to check on Darla again later and she really seemed unsettled. I have not seen her like that before. It was out of character for her. I am sure she is fine. It probably has something to do with the weather. I know there is a full moon coming through in the next week, so maybe that is it. We will see. 

Willow has been acting different, too. She has been avoiding us for some reason. She did allow me to get close tonight and let me pet her. Maybe whatever was going on with her is now over. I still find her to be precious.

Word of the day is listening. John 10:27

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