Monday, December 25, 2023

December 23

I was working on more projects today and getting ready to get into the new year. I always give myself goals and I am working on things already for next year as well as getting the rest of the goals finished for this year. It did rain most of the day, so I was able to not feel guilty about being in the house instead of being outside working on those projects out there. 

I noticed out the window Porky was literally laying on Buckwheat. Sometimes I think they do not like each other at all but seeing that showed me they do love each other. I was glad to be able to witness that. 

I checked on Snowflake as soon as I walked outside, and she was roosting with the other chickens. She seemed like she was doing fine. I was happy to see that also. I needed to make sure she was okay. I think she is going to be okay. 

Willow is so beautiful. It was getting dark before we went out because of the rainy day. Willow was just acting like Willow. She did come over to me today, so I guess if she was mad at us, she is not anymore. 

The cows ate their own food tonight. We must be feeding them enough these days since they are not trying to eat everyone else's food. 

I watched Willow while she was watching Onyx. I guess she is getting used to the cats because she did not try to chase after Onyx for once. 

We still have the chickens roosting in the tree. I do not know why that makes me laugh so much, but it does. It probably is because I have not seen that before, at least not over a period of time. 

I think all the animals were comfortable tonight even with the rainy weather. Be comfortable with where you are in your life. 

Word of the day is comfortable. 2 Corinthians 1:4

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