Monday, December 18, 2023

December 18

Got up this morning and the horses were still doing well. I sure prayed about it and I knew they would be okay and they were. Trusting in God is a big step in everything we do. It’s important. It is also hard, but it is something we should strive for. 

I gave Persia and Bubba some more canned food tonight. They do seem to do better with that food. I may really start giving that to them at least once a day. They do seem to be digesting that food better. 

Lester of course was getting bullied by Sonny. I made sure Lester got fed though. He’s the best. 

Ted is back to normal. It did not take any time for that to happen. I’m so happy he is back to normal. 

I got to see Wheezy tonight. She was roosting with the other chickens. She used to stand on my arm. It’s been a while. I attempted to get her to do it, but she got one food on my arm and she got confused and flew away. 

The little goats are still doing well with using the two different bowls. They all are getting to eat. Thank goodness. 

The view tonight was absolutely breathtaking. The donkeys being in the sunset was a plus. 

Mattie is still mad about the halter. He is feeling better though. He still has a bit of an attitude, but I know he will be back to normal soon. 

Willow and Noma were able to eat their feed tonight after I ran Jasper off. Jasper just won’t stop stealing their food. 

The horses all got a new hay bale and they were excited about it. Chaos erupted over the food, but that happens every time. 

The donkeys did come in when the darkness started to show up. They are smart. 

Word of the day is trusting in prayer. Mark 11:24

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