Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 15

 We are headed out of town for a day and that is always hard for me. I know they are in the best hands with my 2 friends who know these animals and know this farm. I still have anxiety over it. I do not know why though. They are always fine. I get updates from them, and they will be fine. I need to relax. 

The trip went well and the look on my Mema's face to see her great great grandson for the first time made the trip all worth it. We had not been able to get him over there since none of us live in the same area. Her face was priceless. I loved every minute of it. We had a great visit. My parents came over to get a few extra minutes with all of us also which really means a lot. We were sad the other daughter and granddaughter were unable to make it, but our granddaughter was sick. 

We also got to see some other family while we were there tonight. They were grateful we were able to come by. I know our trips do mean something to our families, so that is why we do it. 

I also got to eat at my favorite place tonight. Those cheese enchiladas were amazing, even if it was 9 pm. It has been a good trip so far. 

Word of the day is effort. Proverbs 14:23

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