Sunday, December 17, 2023

December 8

 It is a foggy morning. I have not seen such a foggy morning in a while. The fog does not seem to bother any of the animals though, just us humans. 

Ted still is not eating and that is never a good thing. I talked to Ronnie, so we are going to try a few things this weekend to see if we can fix what's wrong. He ate out of my hand. It was just some oats, so I left him some, but he did not eat much of it. The chickens did help him eat what I left for him. If a sheep does not eat, they are sick. This probably applies to all the animals.


Jelly looked like the king of the farm on top of the hay bale. He was watching everything going on around him. 

The dogs are all hanging in there. Maggie and Pepper both are getting around better. I am not sure how or why, but I will take it. 

The chickens are now on the sheep's backs more often. I wish I knew what the significance to this was. I feel like there has to be one, besides entertaining me, of course. 

Willow is still nursing. I have no idea why Noma won't stop that. She was like that with Mattie, too. It's time for Willow to be weaned. Once Mattie heals, I may put Noma in the pen alone to get some peace. She deserves it. 

I love to see the donkeys out in the pasture when the sun is setting. It is beautiful to me. 

Word of the day is illness. Matthew 9:35

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