Sunday, December 3, 2023

November 26

I swear, these cows are a mess. Alex is still wanting more food and is stealing Willow and Noma’s food. I really don’t think they like the hay bale out in the pasture. 

The horses are being weird. They keep knocking over the feed trough. I have no idea why. They are pretty though so I can’t be upset with them. 

I was able to give the horses attention. I do like that part of this farm stuff. 

The Mattie saga continues. 

Willow was trying to eat with Jasper since Alex ate their food. She did have to watch out for his horns. 

The pigs are all doing well. Nothing new there. They are always good. 

I was able to give Alex some attention tonight, too. I cannot believe how big he is these days. 

I was able to give the sheep attention, too. I was on a roll tonight. It’s my favorite part. 

I saw a rainbow cloud tonight. I doubt that’s what it is really called, but that is what I call it. Whenever I see that I feel like God is looking down on me and telling me everything is okay. I know he is always watching me, but the cloud really puts it into perspective for me. 

It was another beautiful night here in West Texas. 

The animals are all doing well. 

Word of the day is skies. Psalm 36:5

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