Friday, December 22, 2023

December 19

The sunrise was pretty again this morning. I sure did not want to get up, but I am sure that’s everyday for me. The horses were enjoying their hay. I have calmed down and I know they are doing fine. 

The donkeys and goats were grazing around the pasture. They have so much room and I know they are happy. They can run and do whatever. This is the best life they could have ever asked for. 

I am continuing to feed Bubba and Persia canned food and they seem to be doing better with that food. I will continue to do that for them. They are getting up there in age and they deserve it.

I found 23 eggs in the shop today. Good grief. I have no idea how long they have been there, but it could not have been long. I gathered them up and got them in the house. 

I was looking for Yeller. He has been in the crate lately and not out of the shop much. I looked over in the corner and there sat Yeller. As I went closer, he was sitting on eggs. Two of them to be exact. I had to laugh. I did take the eggs. Yeller did not seem too happy about it. 

I did watch one of the chickens taking food from the coop chickens. Rena and Annabeth are nicer than Suzie Q and Edith. Those two did not even seem to mind. 

I did pick Yeller up and love on him tonight. Sometimes everyone needs a little love and to know someone cares about them. Yeller may have not liked it, but I did. 

There was another beautiful sunset. The clouds were so pretty. West Texas has some of the best. 

Jeb has decided to eat with the three Oklahoma horses. No amount of coaxing Jeb to go to his own bowl helped him to move. He was determined to eat with them and that’s what he did. The fighting was minimal so that’s a good thing. 

I watched Jelly running across the pasture. The other animals I think are used to that by now. 

Pepper and Maggie were cute sitting and watching me feed and water. I sure do love those dogs. 

The pigs are doing fine. I had to go into the pen to find some bowls tonight. Gus was not happy about waiting for his food. He did it anyway. 

We still have chickens roosting in the big tree. That still makes me laugh. 

The cows are doing better with being less aggressive so that must mean we are finally feeding them enough. Thank goodness. 

The Oklahoma horses decided to eat all of Jeb’s food. That’s okay though since he ate some of theirs. 

Daisy was chasing the cats tonight. I haven’t seen that in a long time. 

We have  chicken, Lola, who should be the new grumpy chicken. She is always looking grumpy. I don’t think she is, it’s just her face. 

Bubba and Persia were sitting up behind me tonight like they used to. That’s means something to me. 

Word of the day is love. 1 Corinthians 16:14

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