Sunday, December 31, 2023

December 30

I have not been feeling well the last few days. I stayed in bed most of the day today. Ursula stayed by my side the whole time. She is the best little thing. 

When I got up, I decided to start another project. I could not even get it started without Persia wanting to get up in the middle of it. I cannot get mad at her though. I just had to move her. 

It was such a beautiful evening. I know I say that all the time, but it’s so true. And if you can look at all the beauty around you, it helps with positivity and looking more on the bright side. I will continue to talk about the beauty around here. 

The cows were still upset about the hay bale and they actually moved the whole thing. It’s pretty obvious they are not going to eat that. It’s actually really funny. 

I looked out the window at one point today and thought Willow was Pete. It looked like Willow had grow up over night. She really is getting big. 

Maggie and Pepper stayed outside most of the day. It was nice outside and thought maybe the sunshine would be good for them. Maggie dug herself a hole and then could not get out of it. She sure was trying though. I had to help her out. 

Ronnie did decide that the hay bale would not be eaten, so he took that one out and put another one in yelling at the cows about how spoiled they are. It was like they knew what he was saying and did not care one bit. I mean, it’s so true. The wheat bale will go over to the donkeys and goats when it gets super cold. The cows were happy and it showed. 

The donkeys came over to see me. I got to pet on all of them. I loved every minute of it. They have such personalities. 

Word of the day is beauty. Ecclesiastes 8:17

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