Saturday, December 30, 2023

December 26

 Somehow between yesterday and today, the weather got cold. There was frost all over the ground when I got up this morning. It was cold. It is a pretty sight to see, but I do not care for the cold much. The animals do not seem to be bothered by the cold. They are smart and stay in the shelters. 

I could not find Persia while I was trying to leave. I finally went to the closet and got the cat food out and started shaking it. She came out from under the couch. Silly cat. I wonder what she was doing, besides hiding that is. 

We have a big white rooster who roosts in the front of the house in the big bush they killed. He is such a weirdo. He will crow all night long. I have heard him at all hours of the night. I think he has misunderstood his duties as a rooster. 

The using separate bowls for the goats seems to be one of the best ideas I have had. It is still working well. 

Cinderella is still terrified of us humans. She wants nothing to do with us. I try not to scare her too much to make her faint, but it does happen some anyway just because she is so scared. What she is scared of I have no idea. We have not ever tried to hurt her and I know her previous owners did not either. 

Mattie came to the fence for some petting tonight. It is almost time to let him out of the pen and I have no idea what we are going to do with him. 

The cows are actually trying to eat their feed and not get into everyone else's feed at the moment. I know it will be short lived, but I am enjoying it for now. 

It took a lot of coaxing to get Jeb to get away from the big feed trough and go to his feed bowl. He finally did, but I did not think he was going to. He is such a brat right now. 

I watched Yeller and Onyx hanging out in the goat pen tonight. That does happen a lot. That pen must be something special. 

I fed the pigs and had no issues with Darla. However, I did throw some feed into the pen before I tried to go in to distract her and it did work. I wonder how long it will take her to figure out my trick. 

Remember I said I had found a bunch of eggs in the shop. I figured they were not any good since I did not know how long they had been there. Let me tell you, I am a little traumatized about those eggs. I decided to throw them to the chickens to eat instead of throwing them in the trash. I did not want to take the chance on eating them. So, as I am throwing them out, I realize that most of them have been fertilized and were producing chicks. It was the early stage, but I was traumatized by witnessing that. I threw the rest away. There was not a chicken sitting on them, so they would not have survived, but the trauma was enough for me. Sometimes the choices we make are not the right choices and we must pick up and deal with it. It is not always a fun thing to do, but I did learn a lesson right then and there. 

After the traumatizing incident, I noticed Carlos was not looking good. He looked a little swollen and was standing around one area. I got the bright idea for Ronnie and I to get out there and worm him. That is always easier said than done. He was not having it. After getting him in the barn and chasing him around, I asked Ronnie to just put the meds in the feed. Well, none of the goats would eat it after that. So, the feed was dumped out. Ronnie went and got the spray out and sprayed them with wormer. At least that is done until a later date and we can get the meds down him. He could just be puffed up because of the cold also. 

The full moon was really pretty tonight. 

Persia and Bubba were living the good life in the house on the back of the couch like they like to be. I wonder how much longer I will get to see that from them. 

Word of the day is choices. James 1:5

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