Sunday, December 3, 2023

November 30

The wind was blowing like crazy today. I guess that’s just West Texas for you. The weather is getting colder, but it will be December tomorrow. Time sure does fly by. 

We had hay delivered for the winter today. I’m so grateful. I was worried we would not be able to get it since prices are so high and we have had so many unexpected expenses this year, but we managed to get the hay. It’s such a blessing. The animals I know will be grateful for that, especially when it turns really cold, which is coming. 

Yeller was jumping around in hay bales today. I’m certainly glad he is feeling better. 

Feeding Porky from a different bowl seems to have worked to make sure he eats. Poor guy. I’m not sure why the others are bullying him so much these days. 

We have been feeding the cows more and they have been less food aggressive and less irritated. That’s a plus as well. 

Oh Mattie, he is still not going in the trailer. He acts like he isn’t scared of it, but he is definitely not going to get in it. 

Since the wind was blowing so much, the dust in the air makes it look red. But, this is what they call red dirt country. They weren’t lying. 

Noma let me pet her a bit. I got a number today for a new farrier. Let’s see if he is willing to help her. Y’all, that has been the biggest struggle yet with these animals. 

Willow of course wanted some attention also. She got it, too. She loves people. My hope is that never changes. 

Ronnie bought me more flowers today. That was nice of him. I had a bad day at work and he didn’t even know that, so it was a nice surprise. 

Word of the day is count your blessing. Psalm 103:2

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