Sunday, December 3, 2023

December 3

I was busy wrapping presents all day today. I went outside to take a load out to the trash and I saw Jeb laying down flat. I’m telling you, that scares me every time I see it. He was flapping his tail so I was hoping he was fine. 

Onyx and another rooster were getting along fine being in the same space this evening. No issues there. 

It was another windy and dusty evening tonight. 

Jeb came in to eat. He was of course fine. 

Porky is still doing well eating alone. I’m glad Waldo and Buckwheat are leaving him alone, at least for the most part. 

The donkeys and goats came in around sunset. I’m glad they are so smart and know when to come close to the house and to their barn. I know they do sleep in the barn, so they come in when it starts to get dark. 

I was able to love on the donkeys. They do like the attention. I got to pet all four of them. 

It looks like winter is coming. The donkeys look hairy and wholly right now. That to me is amazing. 

Ned was doing his smiling thing this evening. For a donkey who was so unhappy here the first few days, he has really turned out to be a happy donkey. 

Word of the day is humility. Philippians 2:3

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