Sunday, December 3, 2023

November 27

The coop chickens are still doing well and seem to be happy. That’s all I could hope for. 

It’s such a beautiful evening. It is getting colder in the evening since it gets dark so early these days. 

Yeller is one smart cat. He knew it was getting cooler out and decided to get in the crate to stay warm. 

Mattie is still refusing to get in the trailer. He will eat out of the trailer but that’s about it. So, the saga continues with no end in sight. 

The horses are being ridiculous. For some reason they keep flipped over the feed trough and moving it to where I cannot reach it. I hated to do it, but they ate on the ground tonight. We don’t normally do that, but I was not about to climb in that fencing while I had 3 hungry and huge horses trying to get to the food. 

The colors of the sky were so pretty tonight. The sunsets in west texas are so good every single night. 

The pigs are all healthy, happy, and spoiled. They are living their best lives and they know it. 

One of our chickens is such a brave little thing. She roosts way up in the tree these days. It makes me laugh. She wants to stay safe up there. I doubt anything will get up there to her. 

Oreo was hanging out with Bubba and Persia tonight. He has been hanging out with Ursula more lately, but for whatever reason, he was out in the living room area tonight. 

Word of the day is safe. 2 Timothy 4:18

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